Monday, November 29, 2010

The Best Things in Life/Explaining Me!

First of all, i might go off this topic in the course of expressing a lot of things i wanna talk about. lol!...dont be scared. Let me start by saying the best things in life are not for free..yea true. You dont just expect to have the good things of life without making sacrifices first. Life is not always as simple as it seems. We expect the best but we dont wanna work for it. Wow, that's greed! and trust me it's common in every human. Ornaments are very beautiful but do you know they go through refining process before they become beautiful as we admire them to be. Well..... I just wanted us to think through and whatever you get out of this, i trust will be positive.

I'm just too sure i'm gonna make the best out of this page. Right now, it's what comes to my head i get to write. i get my inspiration from things around me and my environment influences me a 70%. but i control what affects me as a person, anyway. i dictate what happens to me @all times cuz i"m sure to be responsible for my actions therefore every step i take counts.

Sorry, i dont wanna sound too rigid. The idea of creating this blog is for you readers to learn in anyway. It could be my story or someone else's experience or an event, incidence, setting, etc. This blogpage is sure to be all rounder and there is no reason to be dulled!! now dat's rule no1: 'Dont Dull It'!! i learnt that from a friend..heheheee!

Anyways, let me wrap it up in this paragraph. So on a final note, i wish to make more friends here and we learn from each other. I look forward to when this blog keeps updating by the minute and its gonna be achieved through your contributions and encouragements..thank you so much for taking time out to glance through this page..i hope to be back here in no time. Dont worry, we are all in this together. Ciao.....